Thursday, October 14, 2010

The last one.. err, two.

This morning I did a terrible thing and let my charges down. I slept past the 5:00am check of the lambing ewes. As soon as I realised my error I was down at the sheep shed in my pyjamas peering anxiously about with the torch. Luckily no ewe had needed help in that time. Cherie the Border Leicester had let me sleep in and done it all on her own, happily giving birth to twins.

The newest and last lambs to arrive are a ram and a ewe, predictably white but healthy and - by the time my tardy person appeared on the scene - standing up. They seem to be made of tissue paper and have absolutely no idea where to find the milk but are trying hard nonetheless. We'll assist them if they don't find it in time for their morning tea. And our morning tea. The day now seems to open out, untied by the need to be near the sheep shed, untempered by watching the clock for two hourly checks and - most blissfully of all - unbroken through the night by the alarm going off just as we get into a sound sleep.
Lambing tasks and care will continue until shearing by which time they should all be out in the paddocks. Until then we have a couple of weeks of lamb antics, lamb dramas and lamb watching to eat up the hours. For now, however, the hard part is finished and they've all arrived safe and well. We just have to keep them that way but the actual Lambing Time of 2010 is finished.